
Choose your settings here:

Top Tip!

For Maximum Size of Stadium it is generally accepted as:

  • Club Members × 12 or 13 if you think you'll lose a lot in the season,

  • Club Members × 15 if you think you'll finish mid-table

  • Club Members × 17 or 18 if you think you'll finish in the top three in your league.
Current Capacity Current number of seats in your ground Additional Capacity Extra seats that are needed in each area to meet the maximum size of your stadium Total Capacity Total number of seats that your ground would have Capacity Percentages Proportion of total seats in each area - ideally this should be 45% / 40% / 11% / 4% (subject to minor weather variations)
Standing Room:
Uncovered Seats:
Covered Seats:
Members Seats:
Current Revenue when full Income from gate receipts if your current ground was full Additional Revenue when full Extra income you’d make if the additional seats were also filled Total Revenue when full Total income you’d make after expansion if your new ground was full Construction Cost Of Additional SeatsCost to expand ground, including fixed cost of £20,000
Standing Room:
Uncovered Seats:
Covered Seats:
Members Seats:
Current Weekly Maintenance Expenditure per week on current ground maintenance Additional Weekly Maintenance Extra ground maintenance costs if you expanded Weekly Maintenance Costs
of All Seats Total ground maintenance costs after you expand
Minimum Repayment Time (weeks) Approximate number of weeks for the additional weekly revenue to cover the construction and additional weekly maintenance costs
Standing Room: (assuming expected attendances for each home game, with one home game every other week)
Uncovered Seats:
Covered Seats:
Members Seats:
Days to Complete Number of days to complete expansion

Top Tip 2!

Now the First Class games have started, the Minimum Repayment Time for your expansion will be less, until you have the ratio of the ground in the correct approximate proportions, as you'll be making extra money per week with your better configured stadium. Future expansions however won't have this benefit, as First Class attendances are only a third / a half of One Day games. Even so, you'll still be taking more money per week, with the same maintenance costs.